Monday, August 13, 2007


Pics have been posted... enjoy!

Friday, August 03, 2007

I am back...

Yep, I have been back for two days and I am still in denial...The trip back was brilliant and was aided by a wonderful upgrade and some very nice eye candy (A very young and well behaved English rugby team)... Thank you BA! I have to say after that experience, I am much more likely to fly with them again.
The last few days in Paris were great. The highlight being seeing the end of the Tour de France on the Champs Elysees... geez, those guys can ride fast! Rodin was awesome and just as I liked him. I could sit in those gardens for days! The highlight at the Louvre was the Rubens/ Medici room and the Michaelangelo's Arch angel sculptures. Mona was there, and the room had changed, but I always feel bad for all the other paintings in the room. I tried to find my favourite hermaphrodite sculpture to no avail. The Toulouse Lautrecs at the d'Orsay never fail to impress me, although Caillebotte's 'Raboteurs du parquet' also impressed me.
Notre Dame was cleaner than I remembered her, I missed the visit to the crypt as it was a Monday. A picnic on the Seine was a nice way to end the Parisian experience, as was the hike up the Eiffel at 2330, with a descent at midnight.
Other highlights... a night view of Paris from Montmarte and dinner in the Pigalle area, a few amazing dinners featuring some amazing French food and the final buzz from a run along the Seine and under the Eiffel.
Will post photos on my flick'r site once I've edited them... but now, very much back in the swing of things with work, uni (I almost forgot about that!), running and I also now have a very busy weekend coming up.
A very big thanks got to all the friends and family I had the chance to catch up with. This trip has definitely highlighted the importance of these people in my life and I will endeavour to keep my visits more regular.