Commisiare Rex
Yes, ladies and gents, I have seen Inspector Rex in Italian... that means I have now seen Rex in four different incarnations... is there a prize for that? Italian TV is a mix of foreign programs, dubbed in Italian, and glitzy Italian productions featuring a lot of singing and very little clothing... Apart from Rex, I caught Steve Irwin, the Italian voiceover had no charisma whatsoever, Beverly Hills 90210 (Tori Spelling before the surgery), the Fresh Prince of Bel Air circa early 90s... whoa, what a blast from the past! I saw the Italian Judge Judy... who knew that two women at opposite ends of the world could look so similar? No,I havent been watching TV all day, but since we take a siesta here after lunch, I often find myself surfing the channels for these childhood memories. Speaking of which, it is stinking hot over here, and although I am overall very pleased about this, it does get a bit uncomfortable. The sun is up before 5 and sets after 9, making for a long day. It does mean that the running has taken a back seat, and I am cycling instead.
I leave Pomezia in a couple of days... it'll be sad to go. I have had a great time with my aunt and uncle, but the little traveller in me feels like I have been barely hitting second gear these last few days. Onto Florence on Saturday and then.... still being contemplated. I have two weeks left and I want to make the most of it.
footnote: i just read the SMH online, apologies... dont mean to be rubbing it in about the warmth over here... hope everyone is keeping themselves cosy and warm in Oz.
Trust me, if I was in your shoes I'd be bragging about the general toastiness that abounds. :) Great to see you're having such an excellent trip.
Sleeping in under a soft goose down doona while the sun hides its face until late morning... you are missing out P2, sweltering under the sheets!
My Rex holiday story is that I saw Tobias Moretti ("Moser") on TV in both Germany and Austria while travelling through there.
Sounds like your having a ball.
Cant wait to catch up for a run when you get back to hear all about it.
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