Pics have been posted... enjoy!
Tales from my travels to China.... and beyond
Yep, I have been back for two days and I am still in denial...The trip back was brilliant and was aided by a wonderful upgrade and some very nice eye candy (A very young and well behaved English rugby team)... Thank you BA! I have to say after that experience, I am much more likely to fly with them again.
update.... that is.... currently writing from my last port in Paris....the last week has been great...
Opera ticket: 24,50 euros
Well, my bag is almost packed... It is getting heavier after every stop and I still have over a week left. I saw the date and freaked out a little today... Time has absolutely flown by! Today has been relatively quiet for us, we are out for a beachside dinner tonight to say goodbye. We went to the pool today and I got the chance to watch the courting rituals of the teenagers here. It is funny how we are pretty much all the same in the end... the boys tease the girls and the girls giggle amongst themselves. It's all very cute :)
Yes, ladies and gents, I have seen Inspector Rex in Italian... that means I have now seen Rex in four different incarnations... is there a prize for that? Italian TV is a mix of foreign programs, dubbed in Italian, and glitzy Italian productions featuring a lot of singing and very little clothing... Apart from Rex, I caught Steve Irwin, the Italian voiceover had no charisma whatsoever, Beverly Hills 90210 (Tori Spelling before the surgery), the Fresh Prince of Bel Air circa early 90s... whoa, what a blast from the past! I saw the Italian Judge Judy... who knew that two women at opposite ends of the world could look so similar? No,I havent been watching TV all day, but since we take a siesta here after lunch, I often find myself surfing the channels for these childhood memories. Speaking of which, it is stinking hot over here, and although I am overall very pleased about this, it does get a bit uncomfortable. The sun is up before 5 and sets after 9, making for a long day. It does mean that the running has taken a back seat, and I am cycling instead.
To the Greek goddess of curls, Happy 30th Birthday! Have a great day and a wonderful party, I am sorry to miss it. See you my return!
See Naples and you can die (happy?)... well, that's how the saying goes. I have seen Naples, but last time I was here, we started off on the wrong foot and I escaped rather quickly. Not this time... this time, I devoured Naples and all its glory. Naples reminds me of Mumbai, choatic and smelling of diesel, sweat and garbage, but with all the architectural grandeur of the Grand boulevards of Paris as captured in a Pissarro painting, an unlikely but spectacular mix. It is chaotic driving and walking around here, but the city has a real energy about it. Its quaint narrow streets of food vendors, the diverse ethnicity of its inhabitants are juxtaposed by the amazing architecture and the many sites of Italian and Napolitan history.
like the buskers on the metro, the death and funeral notices signposted all over town, the way you never hand someone money but put it on the counter, the condom vending machines, the way you drink your coffee at the bar, the manner in which you greet someone as you enter a shop, the big men in tiny Smart cars with stereos blasting, the sheer number of motorcycles, the smells of brioche, cornettos and coffee all mixed into one, the lack of toilet paper in public toilets, the tabacs/tabacchi, the speed of speech, the carabinieri and their uniforms, the lack of clothing on many, the attraction to Nutella and all its derivatives, the overwhelming use of the word 'jolly', the three wheeled car/utes, the uses of donkeys in everyday life, the turning off of engines at lights, paying for public toilets... all these and many more that makes us all a little different from the other.